Watch the video and learn about the famous IT Radix “Goose is Cooked” incident.
A few weeks ago, we had no power in our building. The cause – a goose! It had flown into the power line on the street and blown out the transformer. It turns out this is not all that uncommon. I was able to easily find at least two similar incidents in the last two months online. Now, this was not a major power outage like the ones many businesses experienced last summer and fall; however, it did cause business disruptions to not only us but also 5 other companies in our neighborhood.
The good news for us? Our downtime was zero – not because we had UPS units or a generator but because of our combination of virtual and actual office space and cloud computing services. The result: Most of the IT Radix staff were completely functional throughout the outage including our phones and primary business applications. Pretty cool!
Not many companies test their disaster recovery plan either partially or in full, but IT Radix does. In fact, we had an opportunity to test ours out more thoroughly in March when our building was without power for an entire day due to planned maintenance by JCP&L and Esposito Electric (both did a great job on our electrical panel upgrade). Our clients were happily unaware that we even had this work done unless we intentionally shared the information with them.
I encourage you to test not only your backups but also your business continuity plan at least annually to ensure that your “goose doesn’t get cooked” as the unfortunate soul did in our case.
Don’t wait for a large or small disaster to occur. Contact us here to build your disaster recovery plan to ensure business continuity today!
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